Forest Of OShar

Box art for Forest Of OShar For: Dawn of War Dark Crusade
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For a forest, this map has surprisingly few trees in the actual play area. In fact, it seems more like a small hilly region, to me.

Anyway, enough semantics, basic summary. One very green area with uneven terrain, a decent amount of areas impassible, few strategic points (and thus limited resources), and only one relic which is likely going to be the most important strategic element.

There's not too much in this map that's really significant if you exclude player elements. It's just your generic wilderness area with no landmarks or anything. Seems about average size for two players, but felt kinda small when I played it. I did find that holding the relic was the main challenge, so the map is likely going to revolve around that. Given the close-quarters and rough terrain, it plays out at a pretty fast pace, and smaller units come in more useful than the bigger ones.

Maybe it has some relevance to Warhammer canon that I'm not aware of, who knows. Not a bad map, though. Just a little too oriented towards rush tactics for my personal taste. If you like your maps to place you and your enemies in a CQB scenario and pile on the pressure, you'll probably enjoy this one.

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