Gamer_Tran_Viet_Nam by Flash

Box art for Gamer_Tran_Viet_Nam by Flash For: Battlefield 2
Size: 2.97 MB
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So decided to do all necessary changes to the previous map uploaded Gamer-flash_Point.
Here it is now redone as Gamer_Tren_Viet_Nam available for a really super Battlefield 2 Mod Attack-vietnam..
you can search for the latest version of the mod developer emaozipujing on Moddb..did not redo the mesh but made
quite a few changes to make it look and feel like a Vietnamese battle as the US takes on the NVA in a war of attrition
near the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
Can hardly wait to see this mod fully completed with more factions and kits StaticObjects Vehicles and
Stationary weps of the Era but on a whole a really great start and most objects don't have any detected
errors..So any additional modders want to help with further development etc give emaozipujing a shout cause
we have Forgotten Hope 2 and Project Reality would be great if we got a fully server ready to go Vietnam Mod
to add to the works and make the Bf2 legacy even more incredible.

To use the map Gamer_Tren_Viet_Nam extract zip file and
add map Gamer_Tren-Viet_Nam to :

"C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\Attack_Vietnam\Levels"

Enjoy 2 dah max you get full 64 Bots in this one hot epic non stop action..happy Gaming!
lol and watch out for those jungle/Forest Traps!

Al Miguel aka
Gamer_Flash :)
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