Garrys Mod: Xmas Map

Box art for Garrys Mod: Xmas Map For: Half-Life 2
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This is an interesting Christmas map by CWI MATT with the fabled day only two days away it could not come at a better time. The map is a "Rats" style e.g. you are a tiny "Rat" and the world around you is huge. This map is based in a typical christmas living room with a christmas tree at the very back and as a nice touch it has wrapped presents under it there is an easter egg in the map that may be difficult to see but it takes you to a rather "Large" room the map hints at the warmth of christmas time and re-creates that pretty well. The maps design is solid it has a few texture bugs but dont let that put you down. If your into Christmas maps give this map a home.

[quote]This map I really enjoy playing with Garry's mod
with making my own scenarios with the Combine. This map is
still in early phases so don't be too mad at me for some minor
detail errors where the walls sticks out a couple inches.
Nothing dramatic though that will effect the player to go
where ever the player wishes. Also I took out the lights
in the basement I am contemplating adding some the next version.
Overall though this is a fun and big map for thoughs Garry's mod players out there.
Have fun! CWI MATT[/quote]
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