
Box art for Genome For: Half-Life
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Capture the Alien
10 points per capture.

-The console at the lab doors can be detpacked.
-Engineer can repair console, spare console in basement.
-After being repaired, the console cannot be detpacked again
for 3 mins.
-Engineer is awarded 2 frags for repairing console.
-Scouts can defuse detpacks

The alien resides in the TEST LAB.
CAPTURE POINT also is in the TEST LAB,
door to chamber will open when entering the lab with the

With the latest compeletion of mapping the human
Genome, the scientists have begun to unlock the secrets of
the alien Genome. Discovering the close genetic similarities between the
two life forms and the potential wealth involved, Cytec and Cryolife
decided that it is time to eliminate the competion. One company
will hold the future of humankind and the secrets of the orgin of life.
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