GoldenEye Temple

Box art for GoldenEye Temple For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Omega Sigma returns with a new GoldenEye themed map! This time the it is the Temple level from GoldenEye. Why there was a temple level in the GoldenEye game in the first place I have no idea, as it has nothing to do with the film, but only ever played a little bit of GoldenEye on the N64 so I’m just guessing either the story was different, or this was just an unusual multiplayer map, considering the theme of the game.

Anyway, just like his last map [file=118180]GoldenEye Facility[/file] this is a pretty accurate recreation of the original, from the reference screenshots I was able to find. Of course, BongoBob also made a GoldenEye Temple map many aeons ago, back in 2004 to be exact, but personally I think the texturing is more accurate in this new map. That said I do think that the lighting needs a fair bit more work. I would also recommend putting a delay key on the doors, since if you press the use key down just a little too long, the door \'jumps around\', opening and closing again almost instantly.

As with the Omega Sigma\'s GoldenEye Facility map, being an authentic recreation of the original this map is very simple and is a good map for an all gins FFA, as indeed the original was designed to be back in 1997. Because of that it wont be to everyone’s tastes, but I think people that enjoy a simple good old gun battle will like this map. I do think that any future maps of this kind should have Team FFA support though, as this kind of map obviously lends itself well to team play.

All in all a decent map here, the original GoldenEye music was a nice touch, though it could still do with some improvement in the lighting. Keep up the mapping Omega Sigma, I hope to see more GoldenEye themed maps from you! ;)

[b]Bot Support:[/b] No
[b]New Textures:[/b] Yes
[b]New Sounds:[/b] No
[b]New Music:[/b] Yes
[b]Game Types:[/b] FFA

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