Description \"A revolutionary game in warcraft III map making...\"
This is the opening statement in the readme, and it certainly caught my eye; Goldrush Xtreme will have you battling under the midst of a Sacred Goldmine below the depths of mount Haru\'lgrim. Bestow upon three ancient
Dwarven classes, the Warlock, the Mortar, and the Rifleman. Learn to love them. They are devastating, they are
the commander of a force, so greed of Gold that in the Alliance was formed an unstopable feud. A feud which
lasted for decades, a feud which greeds only for power and more Gold. Behold and witness the wars of the Dwarven
Goldminers in the everlasting game of Goldrush.
[b]Some changes over previous versions include:[/b]
Improved gameplay
Miner\'s Explosive Toolkit
Creep Inconviniency
Tax system fixed