GTX Q4 Patch 1.0.1 to 1.0.5

Box art for GTX  Q4 Patch 1.0.1 to 1.0.5 For: Quake 4
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This patch will allow you to use GTX with Quake 4 1.4.2.

[quote]This mod is developed for run on the standard (vanilla) Quake4 campaign and on custom SP/MP Maps.
This mod doesn\'t use a custom interaction.vfp so you can combine GTX with other graphic mod like the Parallax mapping mod or the Brilliant highlights mod.

Reflection on all weapons (inview & world);
Reflection on all marines (only SP);
Reflection on the hands of the player (SP & MP);
Reflection on all stroggs (also on bosses and special enemies);
Reflection on the hovertank and the walker (hovertank world and inview, walker inview only);
Bloom shader (v. 1.4);
Flashlight powerup (casts any object\'s shadow);
NEW GTX settings menu in options menu. [/quote]
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