Halcyon Eyght (beta 1) test map

Box art for Halcyon Eyght (beta 1) test map For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Presented for our approval is a devilish map of anger. Suffice to say, it looks visually appealing, but outside of that, it\'s not very practically applicable, methinks.

This demonic map of anger is allegedly a preface for a clan map. The author claims it is his first map. Whether this is released or created is beyond me, but it certainly looks nice, regardless. The biggest problem is that it\'s not very practical in my opinion.

The majority of the map is composed of mostly duel arenas and one launch pad for a ship. All of which are connected by grotesquely long and rather confusing hallways, which is the main weak point here. For future versions, I would suggest shorter connections, as I don\'t think many people enjoy walking for long stretches when they\'re in a hurry.

Visual and executing bugs include:

- all of the buttons on the consoles in the hangar have misaligned textures.

- There is a missing computer console in one of the control room areas. Whether this was intentional or not is questionable

- The doors in the duel arena complex opened in a half motion, out of sync, I would assume, if you didn\'t approach them straight on.

Other than the large and drawn out architecture, it\'s not bad for a starter map. I think this map cut the proverbial mustard for the most part, as the author wished it would. You are commanded to investigate the map\'s might, so as to behold what lies in store for you from this author =_=

New Textures: Aye
New Music: Aye
Secrets to plunder: Nay
Bot Support: Aye

- Averus Retruthan
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