Half-Life 2: E-Z Pose Mod for Garrys Mod

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This is [b]version 3.0[/b] of Schmoe222's mod for Garry's Mod. This allows easy posing of NPC's. This version fixed many bugs and added alot more poses!


It will be in the spawn menu place now, not the context menu place.[/quote]

See below for the changelog:
Rewrote LUA script from scratch
Added new menu
Added gun
Fixed ALL bugs
Doubled npc spawn time
Added strider
Added barnacle
Added 500+ more poses[/quote]

Great job! Extremely useful mod for Garry's Mod!

Version 2 may be required. You can get it [url="http://halflife2.filefront.com/file/HalfLife_2_EZ_Pose_Mod_for_Garrys_Mod;71287"]HERE[/url]
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