Half-Life 2: ExitE Mod: Community Pack

Box art for Half-Life 2: ExitE Mod: Community Pack For: Half-Life 2
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This is a compilation of many add-ons that have been made by the ExitE community for the ExitE mod for Half-life 2. The add-ons include maps, models, textures, scripts, ect... that have been made since the development of the ExitE mod.

List of add-ons/credits:
1.5.2 Compilation - Vinny
Portal gun model and animations - VintLucky777
Portal Grav gun script - Chedda Ninja & Limited
Portal transition sound - pATCheS
The Devil Valve crosshair v1.1 - CodeDevil
Closed Portal WarpTunnel - Chedda Ninja
Map compilation - Tommeh
Exit_test_NAC - Kai81123
Exite_funbox - Spike
ex_sky - Dragory
exit_test_das_b3 - Dasutin
exite_funarea - jackool
ex_portal_challenge - Familyguy, -DaMaN and [email protected]
Val_portals_V11 - Valconeye
ex_zeta_b2e - Bioharzard
Exite_map_v2 - Austinr1121
exit_pool - Dead snipe
Ex_playground_de_blade_final - Blade.Tri
ex_botcreet_v1_beta - botl!ke*
ex_portalrace - YoMother
Ex_Sector-B - Techno-Man
Ex_Funground - Techno-Man
Ex_TechnoV2 - Techno-Man[/quote]

See the readme below for installation instructions and more information.

[b]This requires you to have the v1.5.1 pack that can be found [url="http://halflife2.filefront.com/file/HalfLife_2_ExitE_Mod_Client_Files;71482"]HERE[/url].
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