Half-Life 2: Garrys Mod Construct a thing Map

Box art for Half-Life 2: Garrys Mod Construct a thing Map For: Half-Life 2
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This is a good Gmod map by Zyx.

It is based in a large sandy area with buildings surrounding it, the large sandy area is just the right size for building small-medium contraptions (For those who don\'t like huge maps) and it has a mound in one of the corners (Ant lion Mound?) another nice touch to the sandy area is that two seagulls randomly fly around it, you can either enjoy them or just blow them away. A nice feature of this map is the water room which is great for building submarines, boats and other things, the room is quite small but it\'s perfect for 1v1 races, sub wars. There is also the black and white room which are designed for creating matrix poses (white room) or hiding from the casual dm\'er (black room).

This map is fairly well made and it is pretty well textured, nice work.
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