Half-Life 2: Garrys Mod Construct JKLV3 Map

Box art for Half-Life 2: Garrys Mod Construct JKLV3 Map For: Half-Life 2
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This is a large construct map for Garry's mod with [b]TONS[/b] of features. This is a GMODer's dream map! Check out the features below.

- Portable teleprorter,
- Music machine
- Airboats with guns
- Physical shape spawner (like in the old Gmods)
- White and black rooms
- Extended water area
- Extended building area
- Building for post-processing and playing in
- Resetable board by board breakable building
- Suicide booth
- Better player start building
- Very very tall tower to play on
- Ramp spawner
- Rain button
- Random stuff spawner including a shield, archway, chair, ball, cage and a ramp
- Portable building (two story building that is a physics object)

This just became my new favorite map. :)

Great map and great job to the author!
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