Hanibal - Redorah Corridor

Box art for Hanibal - Redorah Corridor For: Dawn of War
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Hanibal - Redorah Corridor

The desert planet Redorah, noted for its highly sulphorous atmosphere, is a key location for mining facilities. The high - resource ground provides excellent materials for contructing and maintaining Psycho - sensitive metals, such as Psyker staves, and Warp Gate frames...

Skirmish/Mission Hybrid #1!

Truly a glorious moment for my mapping history. This map is probably the best I've done so far.

Imperial Guard (Player 1)
Tau Empire (Player 2)
Chaos (Player 3)

This map is set on a Geonosis-like terrain. That is, to those who are Star Wars deficient, a red, dusty, Mars like, hilly, rocky terrain. Beware, the map is in the middle of a dust storm.
Player one starts off in a bit of a gorge, with massive cliffs on either side. Player 2 is on a raised plateau, with one of the most strategic strategic - points in the map. Player 3 is in a cave with some precious minerals, and a hidden exit.

The map contains hilly terrain, vespid raiders, a lava pit, a plateu, a canyon, a cave, a hidden exit and many more features.
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