He Fei

Box art for He Fei For: Company of Heroes
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To avoid any possible "conflicts of interest", this review has been taken from [url="http://www.gamereplays.org/"][b]GameReplays.org[/b][/url]. You can find the original review [url="http://www.gamereplays.org/community/index.php?showtopic=225094"][b]here[/b][/url]. (Includes pictures)

[b]He Fei (1v1)[/b]

[b]Total Territories[/b]

3 Victory Points
16 Territories

[b]Territory Types[/b]

2 +5 Munitions
2 +10 Munitions
3 +16 Munitions
2 +10 Fuel
2 +16 Fuel

Munitions Total: 78
Fuel Total: 52

Resource Notes: Very good totals, the munitions makes for the great game

[b]Technical: [/b]

The technicality of the map is great, but with some noticeable problems. There are drawn out zones, not mini map flaws, and a massive OOB (partly thanks to the TONS of trees). Also I love how you put a warning for the 2v2 infantry only map. The problems are that there is a loading picture, but not a save or record picture and the lines on the tactical map are terribly drawn.

Overall: 7/10


There are no problems with the balance resource wise, but the biggest mistake Map Maker can make was on this map…block able areas, but this is very bad for allied players (if in fixed positions). You just go down and block off (or blow up) the briges in one postition, where as in the other postition you can not

Overall: 5/10


This map is beautiful and monumentally micromanaged, very unique overall. The best feature is the resource points go along with the area it’s in. The only problem I have with the map is that it looks a tad bit patchy.

Overall: 9/10

[b]Fun Factor:[/b]

This map is modestly fun, I love fighting for the different islands and all the cover is very nice. One major problem is the ability to block off the map, once you block of one player…..the games over.

Overall: 7/10


Total Score: (7+5+9+7) 28/40
[b]Overall Score: 7[/b]

Reviewer Notes: This map very micromanaged, very beautiful, and some what fun…and overall very unique map, but the ability to block off your opponent really turns me off.

Reviewer Name: Vodac120
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