Hercules & Xena Skin Pack

Box art for Hercules & Xena Skin Pack For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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I placed this under conversions rather than skin packs because, while it doesn't really fit 100% in either category, it's closer to a conversion than to a skin pack. The idea of this mod is that it adds/replaces a whole bunch of skins with their Xena or Hercules counterparts. Don't ask me why Luke=Hercules or why the rebel pilot is now a Mon Mothma reskin that still has a man's voice... these details are beyond me. What I do know is that I apparently didn't watch Xena long enough to know who all these characters are, or what they're supposed to look like.

I do know what Xena and Hercules are supposed to look like, though, and I can tell you right off the bat that no base assets model is going to be able to capture either of them... and I wasn't too far off. Most of the skins here actually are a little off, mostly because the faces are one notch down from blasphemy. It's like the author put a [i]lot[/i] of effort into [i]adding[/i] all this stuff, but very little into [i]refining[/i] it. Most of the faces are not quite lined up -- a lot of the mouths don't match the mouth on the model, so when they talk they look silly -- and a lot of skin tones between meshes don't match. And don't even ask me why you would skin an arm texture over a poofy sleeve. [i]That[/i] one I can't begin to fathom.

Long story short, this needs a lot of work and a lot more attention before it's playable in an enjoyable fashion. As a big Xena fan myself, I'd love to see a great Xena skin. The one here only has a passing resemblance to Lucy Lawless, which is for me at least a big disappointment for what could be a very interesting mod, if the author would take the extra time, work out the kinks, and really place the appropriate emphasis on the details. The big picture is all good and fine, but without the details it's more of a sketch than a portrait.

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