Highspeed Melee 3

Box art for Highspeed Melee 3 For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Well, this is an update for the Highspeed Melee Mod. Here are the changes:
Former highspeedmelee3 was improved.
First, glafile was deleted, and capacity was greatly reduced.
Therefore, you must put [japlus_gla_anims.pk3] with JA+ Mod. (Means you MUST have JA+ installed. Something I will NOT do)

One more, a balance wasn\'t appropriate with multi-player.
Therefore, some are being adjusted.

Because a problem was found, fast stance was changed to new stance.
Then, even a single-player can use a new saber stances.

1.Melee motions
The number of frames of meleemotion and a speed were revised.
Former back running was deleted, and the left kick and front get up were amended with multi-player.
One back flip was changed with single-player.

2.Saber stances
Saber stance of medium and dual was added newly, and fast was amended.

3.Melee effects
Melee effects with single-player were amended.

4.Melee sounds
Melee sounds were amended.[/quote]

And here’s the previous review:
[quote] Well, first off, this is a melee and animation mod, so it changes a bunch of animations! It has a MP and an SP version. It changes melee animations, and gives an optional saber stance change. However, the file size has been vastly increased with the fact that you can choose which things to have, be it just the saber stance, everything, everything but the saber stance, and what-not. So, we trade file size of customization.

I\'m just going to start off with the new saber stance. It changes the stances for Strong and Fast styles, as well as Staff. It doesn\'t change the stances for Dual sabers, or Medium style. It does change the walk back animations, however, but only for fast and strong styles. Although with the way your players head moves to look at people, your head looks like it\'s going to twist off. Also, on ledges if you position yourself just right while using the fast stance, your character goes wild and you start to go into something that resembles a loop. But, you can get out of it by just going over the ledge. The run back animation looks...funny to say the least. It looks like the character\'s on a wheeled chair and is going all over the place. He really looks like he\'s sitting down. Now for the melee part. This does change the melee animations in JA+. For better or for worse, that really for you to decide. I did notice a small thing with the left and right roundhouse kicks (Hey, it\'s what I call the kicks when you do alt attack + W+ A/D). Anyways, the animation would have a brief pause after doing it, so your character would stop for a split second. One kick, I did like was the regular alt attack kick that was modified. I was disappointed that this didn\'t have more changed animations. This overwrites JA+\'s animations, so I\'m not sure if this will work on a basejka server.

Now, for the SP version. From what I can tell, it has most of the features of the MP version, except for melee is sped up, and there\'s no saber stance changes. But, there is an added effect to the kick. It looks like a small explosion. Yay, now everyone seems to have either explosives or bags of blue stuff hidden in your shoes.

This certainly took some time, so if you like it, download it.[/quote]

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