Hutt Hoth Base Invasion

Box art for Hutt Hoth Base Invasion For: Empire at War
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1) It puts the lotion on it\'s skin...
No, not here? Oh well.

I was really enjoying this map until I wanted to buy something. It was at that point I realized that I was short on mineral pads. Then I realized there were none to be found anywhere on this rock. So it\'s a slow go to win this one, esp. with all the Hutt forces around the map in groups big enough to pose a problem. Other than that, it\'s good first map and would make an even better first map revision.

[quote]This map was my first creation that I completed, I was more than four hours working on it, and hope you enjoy.


Map name: Hutt Hoth Base Invasion
Planet: Hoth
Players: 4
Bases: 2
Natives: Mandalorians, Mustafarians, Wookies, Geonosians, Hutts, Wampas, tauntauns, Jawas, Bothans, and Rancors (nightsisters)
Reinforcement Points: 4
Mining Facility: 4
Other special structures: 3[/quote]

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