
Box art for IceWind For: Warcraft 3
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Icewind is an \'Aeon of Strife\' type map taking place in frigid waters. It has a number of unique features and tons of items, allowing for countless strategies.

Gameplay Modes:
* Almost every mode is combineable *
* Type them on one line (like dota), or many lines, or a mix; however you want! *

- Normal Mode = everything is at default
- Gold Rush (-gr) = 2x starting gold, 2x income, 2x ship kill gold, and 2x hero gold (Hero gold is something like: Player 5 owned Player 7 for an extra ___ gold).
- Fast Spawn (-fs) = NPC (computer) waves spawn twice as fast!
- Deathmatch (-dm) = 10x starting gold, first team to achieve 15 kills together wins.
- No Traders (-nt) = No tradeboats!
- Hardcore (-hc) = No abilities, and no tradeboats!
- Gold Hoard (-gh) = First team to reach 100,000 spare gold wins.
- Speed Mode (-sm) = Units/Towers do not auto-upgrade. Heroes level 2x as
- Accelerated Mode (-ac) = +5000 gold, Captains start at level 10.
- Titan Spawn (-ts) = Every 3 minutes, a random titan spawns for each Alliance in a random lane.
- Sailboats Only (-so) = Only Sailboats are allowed.
- Tradeboats Only (-to) = Only Tradeboats are allowed.
- Doubled Income (-di) = Doubled income rate. Stacks with -gr
- New Recruits (-nr) = Dominator, Hallberd, Annihlator, Decimator disabled.
- No Submarines (-ns) = Sea Wolf disabled.
- Weather Effects (-we) = Weather changes, affecting ships over the entire map
- Alliance Gold (-ag) = Alliances share their gold with their respective teams.
- Backdooring (-bd) = Backdooring allowed; destroy the enemy base in any way possible.
- No Pooling (-np) = Giving gold is diabled.
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