ISD Exactor

Box art for ISD Exactor For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Fear, for another single player campaign is in the works.

This particular one is a bold endeavor, at least for the main character: destroy an entire Imperial Star Destroyer...from the inside. Once again, take up the saber as Jaden Korr in this episodic adventure...or don't. __>) The music was actually VERY different, for a change, which was refreshing. May not have been 100% appropriate for the mood, but still much better than John Williams Jabba Stew, complete with flabby anuses. Also, custom built NPCs made it feel so much more entertaining when you didn't know what your enemy was going to have on his person next.

Now there are a couple issues I want to address:

- Tie fighters in the hangar were very small in scale.

- Your music/stille.mp3 was missing, so y'started out in a silent map.

and finally, there's one thing I think this map really needed to be fully playable: Starter Build NPCs. What the hell is Averus talking about? Basically, so you don't have to go load another Jaden from a previous campaign, one can simply do, say "playermodel starter" in the console and get a certain set of force powers you'd think would be appropriate for this campaign, and saber styles. That way, people can get right into the mix and not have to worry about defecating on cats. This can also be done with guns as well. Not sure if you'd be able to remove the saber entirely, but if they could do it in T2_Dpred, then you can do it too!

So honestly, hoping to see this project reach completion. I will say that it was slightly startling to simply run through a door way and out into the abyss. Y'think it mighta warranted a hallway at least to round it off? I does, at least. Otherwise, a nice mission concept, and a great start for this campaign. Best of luck to thee.

- Averus Retruthan
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