Isle of Chateau DIf

Box art for Isle of Chateau DIf For: Aliens vs Predator 2
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Isle of Chateau D'If:

Inspired by the [i]Count of Monte Cristo[/i] movie: Once a prison fortress on a remote island on a ancient world. It has long been abandoned and smugglers use it from time to time to make business transactions. Nobody really goes there anymore as there has been rumors of dark and terrible things now living in the catacombs of the Island. Yes, there are lots of interesting places to explore on the island. This pack comes with both a day and night version of this map to explore. Each map has some subtle differences and offers different advantages and disadvantages. I will give you a hint...there is a secret way to open the cell doors from the inside...see if you can find it. I think that people will find the island offers all the races many cool advantages to take advantage of. The night version by far is very creepy because of it's dark nature.
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