Jaden Korr Dark Side Outfit

Box art for Jaden Korr Dark Side Outfit For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Not too often we get expansions of the default Jaden choices, but here we have one.

First thing's first, the new outfit. Typical 'dark side' theme, black, grey and a little silver. The outfit itself is a recolor of a default Jaden outfit, but for the most part it's quite well-done, if not a little boring due to the color choices. Gotta say the black panels seem awfully solid, almost as if they're armor instead of the 'elaborate ceremonial dress pauldrons' (for lack of a better term), but it's not so bad. The Stormtrooper arm is the big difference here, which adds a definite Imperial overtone. Although, it appears to have been skinned over the fabric, so it does distort - I imagine that can't be helped.

A new head is packaged, or shall I say, a non-overriding adjustment to a pre-existing one. The longer-haired Jaden is now available with both blonde and brown hair. Not much of a big change, but the hair recoloring is done professionally. Master_Ibonek missed a true calling - salon stylist! Although it should be noted, that the facial hair is in fact still blonde.

The second head modification overwrites the shorter-haired caucasian head, whose "brown" hair was noticeably not very brown at all, but more sienna-indigo. See the screenshot for the direct comparison.

Recommended simply because choice is good, and there's no reason not to recommend it.

~ Kouen
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