Jailbreak: Source v0.4 to v0.4.1 Patch (ZIP)

Box art for Jailbreak: Source v0.4 to v0.4.1 Patch (ZIP) For: Half-Life 2
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Jailbreak: Source v0.4 to v0.4.1 Patch (ZIP), download Jailbreak: Source v0.4 to v0.4.1 Patch (ZIP) free, free Jailbreak: Source v0.4 to v0.4.1 Patch (ZIP) map download, free download of Jailbreak: Source v0.4 to v0.4.1 Patch (ZIP) map for Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2 free map Jailbreak: Source v0.4 to v0.4.1 Patch (ZIP) download, download for free Jailbreak: Source v0.4 to v0.4.1 Patch (ZIP) Half-Life 2, free download full map Jailbreak: Source v0.4 to v0.4.1 Patch (ZIP), direct download link Jailbreak: Source v0.4 to v0.4.1 Patch (ZIP), download Jailbreak: Source v0.4 to v0.4.1 Patch (ZIP) level
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Jailbreak Source 0.4.1 Patch. This patches Jailbreak 0.4 to version 0.4.1. We've included several new features including Dynamic Point Scoring, new radio macros, fixes and updates, including the removal of the Grenade Spam Exploit, and a reworked Woodneck now balanced and slightly faster.

- Chaingun accuracy 7 - 15 degrees
- Teams auto balanced on new round
- Person that averted execution named in announcement
- Points for a kill based on difference between scorer and victims points (diff / 10) + 1
- Points not deducted when killed by a turret or killed whilst escaping
- Toggle weapon switch keyboard command (default k, con command toggleweaponautoswitch)
- Most releases award fixed
- Ladder bug fixed by increasing out of jail delay from 0.2 to 0.5s
- Radio menu updated to allow message selection by key as well as mouse
- Added %p chat macro to get closest ally player name
- Fixed grenade spam bug by no longer dropping a primed grenade
- Made grav gun primary fire same as secondary
- Timelimit no longer gets reset on a new round
- Cleaned up a few console debug messages
- Minor increase in jump height to aid with getting on top of people
- Woodneck updated with various fixes:
-- Slowed down second laser a titch
-- Made entrance and exit for laser escape easier for groups
-- Made lasers into env_lasers
-- Added laser shutdown panel (5 seconds, then reset after 45 seconds)
-- Removed fence panel after exit
-- Moved Rocket Launcher and Chaingun
- Replaced Silenced Pistol sound with quieter version
- Added InfoLabel to server loading screen
- Added new macro to Cover Me! Radio message
- Added Jahhur's phong shading to the Turrets
- Replaced "Hold this Ground" with "Enemy Spotted"
- Replaced "Fallback!" with "Stick Together!"
- Adjusted Radio Messages to suit
- Added new macro to Radio Messages
- New radio voice recordings to suit
- Fixed errors from previous version
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