Jedi Council GCX - 2010

Box art for Jedi Council GCX - 2010 For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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[quote]JedicouncilGCX...the viral scourge that never made it to JK3Files, yet somehow, remains one of the most popular RP/Clan maps alive. This map's legacy dates back to JK2, and even then I remember our server using it JedicouncilGC ad nausea. Erstok, in whatever enterprising mood struck him that day that he began, has decided to "update" JedicouncilGCX in an effort to breathe new life into the map. His plan? Rebuild the entire thing from scratch and make his desired changes.

Now, before I begin, let me elaborate on the basic premises of JedicouncilGCX. This map was essentially the headquarters of the {O} clan back in the early 2000's. Somehow, someway, this map got leaked into the public, and was never officially released, per se. Since then, it has served as a grounds for Roleplay in a Jedi Temple setting, or a general hangout map for Jedi-oriented clans. In an effort to show you all just how the old and the new differ from each other, I will be describing each individually as I walk you through the map. We'll start in...

-=The Lobby=-

Old: This was always my least favorite room as it was always big and empty, and didn't have much appeal to me with the white marble. This room consisted of a large arched hallway with massive cylindrical pillars and red carpet leading up the stairs and around them. A lot of benches and plants were dotted about the general area, and there were many doorways that led to various training rooms, though a select few led to special or transitional areas within the temple.

New: The function and architecture of this area hasn't changed much. From what I've been told, the pillars appear to be slightly different in construction, though I cannot say for certain if this is true. The red carpet originally did not lead to the NPC training room or the dark room(covered later,) but now there are paths to these rooms. Lighting has been altered in this area, including sunbeams peaking through the windows, which is definitely a neat touch. The statues, which were originally JK2, are now JK3 Rift statues. Door placement has not changed, however.

-=The Dark, NPC, Dojo, and Water training Rooms=-

Old:GCX was quite infamous for possessing a motley assortment of dueling/training areas. First, a dark room with minimal lighting and four turret positions at every corner of the room. Second, a japanese style dojo with some display cases in the room. Third, a glass dueling room with a pit of water below. Finally, a half-circle NPC training room, with a slew of default NPCs to train your battle skills upon, and a hidden observation room for teachers.

New: The Dark Room now features a monochrome lighting scheme versus the red/blue scheme that the original possessed. The Japanese Dojo has endured no changes, which is sort of a shame, since there's no sourced lighting in this room. The glass dueling room has undergone a major change, with the glass catwalks now leading to TWO exits. The water is also much more shallow than the previous, making it easier to get back into the fight. Finally, the NPC training room has now undergone a full spherical overhaul, and the observation deck is much more visible.


Old: The archives in GCX were massive, almost intimidating. There were two doors that led into the archives, though for some reason, both led to only one section of the archives, with an additional section branching out to another section. Both sections had large grand staircases that led up to the second level, and equally massive windows to provide sunlight. The bookcases were also...just insanely massive, and on the outside of each shelf on the first floor were display cases full of saber hilts.

New: This place was pretty much rebuilt entirely. The place is a lot less colossal, and a lot more plausible. The archives are a lot tighter now, which means less travel time, and the stairs are now near the doors, which now lead to individual sections of the archives instead of the same. There's also glass guards so you can't just walk off the second floor and hit the floor. The workstations are all on the first floor, so no random tables on the second floor. Windows are smaller, and the hilts are still there.

-=The Hangar, Bar, and Prison=-

Old: GCX featured a "Master Windu's Bar and Grill" in the middle of a hangar full of Jedi Starfighters created by Aaron Smith, along with an X-wing and YT-1300. On the upper floor, there was a detention block where people could be imprisoned.

New: This update doesn't change much in the hangar. The bar has a bit darker lighting scheme, and now features a switch that toggles some lounge music. Very nice touch. The prison and the hangar hasn't gotten much overhaul other than the lighting, though the wire catwalk is now glass.

Alright, this could go on forever... I think I'll do two more areas, and let you guys explore the rest XD!

-=The Hallways=-

Old: GCX, despite being a great map, had very bland and lifeless hallways. They were pretty much simplistic rectangular transitions.

New: The new hallways are FAR more decorative. Complete with a brighter lighting, these hallways now have more ornate architecture with banners at set intervals. SOOO much better than the original.

-=The Upper Rooms=-

Old: Four elevators led up to an upper floor that led to two bedchamber wings, a meditation chamber, and a council chamber. This room was notorious for having concealed buttons in the council and the bedrooms.

New: Wow, this place got a nice overhaul. First off, the bed chamber wings got shorter transitionary wings, filled with benches, a fountain structure in the middle of the room to fill it out better, and similar architecture to the hallways to fill it in moreso. The secret buttons? Visible now. Sorta sad, but sorta nice too. No biggy. The council room and meditation room are generally the same, though the sizes are a little different.

Whew...alright, so, as you can see, this map already had a lot to offer back in GCX, and now GCX '10 offers even more. This version actually added the classic space council room from the JK2 JedicouncilGC, which was a pretty neat idea. Along with the new additions, I neglected to mention the new admin room to lock down some of the rooms, as well as the overhauled garden, but honestly, it's worth a look.

Now...methinks this needs a 2.1, and lemme tell ya why!

1.) That pillar in the middle of the council room just has to go. It just seems so obstructive, and it makes no sense to place a stone pillar where a human could stand in the center in the middle of inquiries, and council members can't address people across the room without looking around it.

2.) You basically made the same mistake GC did, including enough of the vehicle information to make it semi-playable and displayable, but some of the shaders aren't there. Go beyond the book, and include the full set so people can use it without having to download the thing off of Lucasfiles!(hint, hint.)

3.)See if you can alter the bacta tanks so that a player can enter them. Trust me, seems stupid, but you'd please oh so many people.

Seriously, if you include those things, this map would outclass it's inspired work in totality. I say go for it, Erstok. You've pulled a wise move, facelifting this map. Looking forward to see any future versions like crazy. =_,=

New Textures: Aye
New Music: Aye
Secrets to plunder: Aye
Bot Support: Aye

- Averus Retruthan[/quote]

Right, so what's new?! Quite a bit, really. We have a huge textural overhaul. A prime example I noticed is that the training room is now darker and has a HORDE of training damage. The carpet overhauls look pretty nice as well.

Now, some additional changes: The hangar has now been completely overhauled, with the starfighters completely removed and in their place, stacks of boxes and a better floor. The bar has gotten an aesthetic overhaul, as did the detention center. Much better security, I'd say.

In the medical bay...well remember when I asked if he could make the bacta tanks usable? Turns out, he made new ones and they're quite awesome =_= and they are fully interactive.

And finally, the Jedi Council, the hallmark of the entire map, has been touched up, with an Atlantica style halo lamp and the removal of that blasted pillar.

Rest well, Erstok, for you have done a great service to the JedicouncilGCX map's legacy. The temple is now much more lived in, and has greatly benefited from your handiwork. I declare this map to be in a far better(and far more RPable!) state than it used to be. Let all rejoice, and make merry...

New Textures: Aye
New Music: Aye
Secrets to plunder: Aye
Bot Support: Aye

- Averus Retruthan
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