Jedi Replacement

Box art for Jedi Replacement For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Y\'know what really gets to me? Counter-Strike fanboys. The players are OK, but the fanboys are the videogaming equivalent of a terrorist cell. Should they see you pick up any FPS other than CS:S, they\'ll brutally assault you with one of their rants about [i]\"ow cs is teh pwnerer d00d!1!1!!11!11!!! y u bi ut? ut sux liek yo mom lamo lololololololol!1!!1!!11\"[/i] - and such a speech will likely make your brain explode.

Being a gamer and typing in shorthand is one thing, but so help me God, the next time someone actually [b][i]says[/i][/b] \"lol\" or \"pwn\" in my presence, I\'ll rip their larynx out and make them [u]eat[/u] it. >_<

OK, moving swiftly on before I freak everyone out with my ranting....

For lack of a better word, this skin is... interesting. Although quite frankly it looks like something out of the first CGI movies.

It\'s a replacement for the default Jedi. To me, it looks like one of the other Jedi models taken from the game, with a few colors adjusted via the hue and saturation tool, a few rebel logos pasted on, and flat color pasted all over the face.

The face doesn\'t look human at all. At least it\'s been completely redone, which is a plus. Just.... not very well, I\'m afraid to say. I\'m not going to dwell on it, because I can only get negative from that.

In-game, the rebel logos are hardly noticable. The face just looks like a flat layer of color with two holes - what little variation there is, just isn\'t noticable. The torso is flat paintbucketed black. Suffice to say, the good parts of this skin are the parts Raven made.

If you want to overwrite the Jedi with this, go for it. Although, I\'d advise you to keep with the original, which is of a much higher quality.

~ Kouen
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