Box art for JETEYE1s Mod For: Empire at War
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Jeteye's mod is for FoC, and changes a range of things.

[u]List of changed items:[/u]

[quote]New Planets Added to Heart of the Maw GC map: Mygeeto and Polis Massa
Most units improved in terms of speed,weapons,cost and,armor/shields ( Juggernaut,Executor,etc )
Some unit removals for balancing reasons ( see new tech tree ). Also removed from starting GC units and garrisons
TIE defender buildable only on The_Maw
Corellian Corvette buildable only on Corellia
MC30 frigate buildable only on Mon Calamari
All MDU's build a shield generator and that factions MDU turret
TIE bomber given "HUNT" ability
Bunkers and transports can garrison more
"Merciless" has bribe in place of blast, will always fire blast projectiles
DSII comes with 4 ISD's
Veers and Garm Bel iblis taken out of skirmish for hero balancing
Turbolaser Towers more powerful with better aim, can hit bombers easily
Consortium has new projectiles for some weapons
All original GC maps from EAW vanilla
ISD's and VSD's have the Deploy Squadron ability
MDU's only buildable in skirmish
The Arc Hammer has assault and deploy squadron as well as a new ion cannon hardpoint
Aggressor's have mass drivers instead of turbolasers
Opening logos removed
New "splash screen"
Defiler now purchased at barracks in skirmish
Noghri Assassin squad buildable in skirmish at barracks
All GC scenario player start with a level 5 tech level and the same amount of credits as everyone else
All planets can have a level five space station
Hutt space station no longer sells units but works like a large capturable turret
skirmish starting credit amount increased
Executor has no tractor beam, instead comes with assault and launch squadron
New opening battle scene
Unit abilities no longer need to be bought on the black market all blackmarkets removed
No more annoying corruption missions click kidnapping, piracy etc and you're done with a guaranteed win
Captain Piett removed, he is now on the Executor
HTT hovers instead of flying
Piracy grants you 10,000 credits instead of a new ship
Slavery and blackmarkets removed
All text entries redone
Campaign edited to work with mod.
The Adominator is twice as powerful with new hardpoints
Executor is only buildable once by each player in skirmish
Countless other small changes


*Battle on the Death Star
*Bespin: Cloud City Conflict
*Hoth Wampa Lair
*Hypori: Droid Foundry
*Hypori: Asteroid Field
*Kashyyyk: Kachiro
*Kessel: Mines
*Manann: Ahato City
*Mon Calamari: Docks
*Mygeeto: Bridge
*The Maw: Chaos[/quote]

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