Jheys Complex

Box art for Jheys Complex For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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[quote]This map is a small FFA map, set in a modern day city, and it is just a small shopping center will limited services.[/quote]

Well, that about sums up the description...

This is the author's first release, though probably not his first map. Good, he knows rule #1 about mapping: Don't release your first map.

This map features two levels, with a large stairway in the center. The lower level features a few boutiques, a ground-level vista, bar (What map DOESN'T have one? :P), and a small lounge. The upper level features an entry way, a food-court-that's-not-really-a-food-court, a loungish area that's smaller than the lounge on the ground level, and a high-vaulted ceiling. Of all the features listed, I'd say the lounge and the vista were the best. The boutiques are built well, though the electronics one has a distinct lack of iPods. -.-

In all honesty, this map is too small to be an FFA map, so I recommend playing it on duel.

Bugs. Yep, this map too, I'm afraid. Fortunately, they're few and far between, so I'll just post a list.

1. The side windows in the vaulted ceiling are missing a few wall edges, so they lack the proper depth.

2. There was some z-fighting in the entry-way to the mini-lounge on the upper floor.

3. No weapon spawns! (I even checked my server config to make sure they weren't being disabled.)

Yeah, short list. Now on to the improvements!


2. This map is QUIET. No music, no ambient sounds, nothing.

3. Immersiveness. This map needs it. What do I mean by that? Simple: Cars on the street, voices on a PA, shopping bags forgotten by the couches, a few of the games in the narrow-gaming-options gaming boutique missing from the shelves (as if someone bought them), half-eaten food on tables near the food court, and lots more! In short: Things you would find in a real store in real life! (Seeing as this is supposed to BE real life.)

Well, that's all. Download if you like it, don't flame the author if you don't.


Bot Routing: No
New Textures: Yes
New Shaders: No
New Music: No
New Sounds: No
Gametypes: FFA
Mapname: jhey
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