JK2JA SP Camera and Time Control Script

Box art for JK2JA SP Camera and Time Control Script For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Here Dahlaine brings us a nifty little mod for both JK2 and JKA single player. What the mod does is it allows you to control the camera, and view the player character from different angles, the controls for which are binded by the script file to different keys on your keyboard.

Now, we have seem mod’s similar to this before, but this one contains a new feature that personally I have never seen before…the ability to control time ingame! Basically you can use this script to slow time down in your single player games, which I daresay would be useful for people who want to get that cool screenshot or video from a the battle or duel they were having perhaps. Not only that, but as I said above, the script allows you to change the way the camera faces, allowing you to see things from a whole new angle.

All in all I think this is a simple, but effective mod with a new twist to it. I am sure people will find all sorts of creative ways to use this! So if this is something you would like to use, go ahead and give it a download! :)

All you need to do now Dahlaine, is to make something like this that we can use to change how time works in real life! ;)

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