Kadrala XGCW Mygeeto

Box art for Kadrala   XGCW Mygeeto For: Star Wars: Battlefront II
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Version 2.0 of Skammer216's "Kadrala: Islands" is a small improvement on a map that - to be fair - didn't require much in the way of improvement anyway.

The map itself is virtually unchanged (except for the addition of a small easter egg that promotes an upcoming map of his) - which isn't a bad thing. The map was probably the strongest point of his previous submission and it remains that way for this one. It is (to repeat) a well designed-simple map that effectively conveys the setting, and that's all I'll ask of a map.

The biggest change lies in the sides added. There are still some standard-ish sides for the CW and GCW, which I like and prefer above the other sides - they don't feel like they're overdoing it. There's a "Gametoast" era, which has a few members from Gametoast with units of their own choosing (which inevitably led to some rather ridiculous units). Skammer did a pretty decent job of not making the units too overpowered, but even the same it was very hard to take them very seriously. I think that the map is a bit worse off, in terms of professionalism, with this, but I'm sure there will be plenty of people who like them, so your mileage may vary.

The other point about the sides is that a pseudo-sides mod ("Extended GCW") mode was added to the stock Mygeeto. It's an interesting assortment of new units (with a fairly liberal use of the orbital strike - everyone sure loves this weapon) and weapons. The pace is a little more frenetic than the stock sides, with a few more explosions. Despite the amped-up weapons, I think it's a lot better than the GT sides above, simply because it still feels more coherent and true-to-form for Star Wars.

There were still a few more bugs, like some missing localizations and sounds, but at the least, all the freezing bugs (anything related to the award weapons glitch) were removed. While not a bug, it's worth mentioning that conquest mode now has a [i]two-minute[/i] countdown to victory timer, which is pretty annoying.

Anyway, certainly a good download and worth a look.


[i]Edit: For those wondering why this file was uploaded twice, it looks like both Saitek and I uploaded at the same time. Weird, but these things will happen every once in a while. The issue has been fixed.[/i]
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