Knife Replacement Pack

Box art for Knife Replacement Pack For: Aliens vs Predator 2
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Add-On Description:

I\'ve been looking into what other type of mods I could make and I began to take interest in models. I\'ve worked with some character models before, but never weapons. I learned how to use a lot of ModelEdit\'s functions recently, and while browsing AvP2\'s, NOLF1\'s, and Purge\'s library of models, I realized I could turn a lot of them into new weapons. Most of the models used were props, although a few normal weapons were also reworked and modified to function differently. Each model replaces the knife and is made to be swung around. Most of these models are static (they don\'t move on their own), except for the Flag and Flying Creature when they are on the floor as pickups. The variety of the weapons range from blades, to creatures, to instruments, to tools, to pistol whipping guns, to furniture, to househould items, and to some random stuff. The two new pistols replace both the knife and the default pistol. Some weapons also contain new select and deselect sounds, although a few contain some extra sounds. The weapon packs that include special sounds are the Beetle, Chestburster, Disc, Electric Saw, Flying Creature (Waspinator!), Monkey, and the Toilet Paper pack, which contains lots of crapping and farting sounds (some taken from Dumb and Dumber).
Two of the rez files included are extra special however. These special packs are the guitar and the hubcap. These two files are also small sound packs in comparison to my usual sound packs. Since using a hubcap as a weapon is mad ghetto, I hooked up that rez with a bunch of hip-hop/rap music, and threw in hubcaps for the predators to throw around instead of the disc. As for the guitar pack, I went overboard with Queensrÿche music because they seem to have the perfect rock sound for AvP2, especially considering the small amount of time each sound lasts. Furthermore, both of these packs have giant stereos to replace the hacking tool. More details about these special packs are located below.
Just remember that you can only use one of these model packs at a time. You have a total of 54 new weapons to play around with. Enjoy!
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