KoTH 2Fort

Box art for KoTH 2Fort For: Team Fortress 2
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KoTH 2Fort - Roof Version
King of The Hill 2fort is exactly what it sounds like. This is your objective:

There's a reason you're fighting over it. That bridge is a one-of-a-kind commission from Kingman's Bridges("The Only Bridge Vendor To Decorate Their Bridges With Shiny Things To Denote Their Significance"). The winner reaps the bridge.

This conversion started out as a simple, silly idea for stretching the ol' Hammer legs, but when I got the idea to move the spawn to what used to be the intel room, I thought Holy crap! This could actually be viable!

The author thought the hill would need less coverage and more concern from anyone willing to cap it, so he took the roof off the second version. (which can be downloaded from here). He also took away the barricade on the second floor and realigned the walls to match. If all goes right, the roofless version will make taking out the enemy battlements a very tempting task, and you'll have to know when to push and when to hold.

Snipers quickly become priority targets, and their cost of failure is much higher. There are many other reasons why WVI believe the no roof version to be superior. Let him know which version you like better after some play-testing! The final version will have at least one custom overlay to decorate what are now the barren back walls of the resupply rooms.
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