KoTH Ezofuji

Box art for KoTH Ezofuji For: Team Fortress 2
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This is KyleAwesome's first map and hasn't had more than a handful of people testing it once, so he's not expecting that it will play all that great. However, he appreciates any feedback you guys can give to potentially make it into a decent map by the end!

This was originally a 3-point CP map, with two points on the top of each mountain and one at the bridge. However, upon testing a very early version with a few people, we found it too hard to get up the opposing team's mountain, and adding in stairs and platforms made for lots of clutter. As such, I thought this could work better for KOTH instead.

A couple things the Author wanted to address with this map were spawn camping and defense. He heard some complaints about the official KOTH maps - that they don't play like a standard KOTH game, and whoever caps the point first ends up spawn camping and steamrolling the other team. He thinks (or at least hope) that the downhill nature of this map will make spawn camping more difficult - and I've made the capture time on the point very fast to deter the defending team from getting too far away in the first place. He tried to deal with snipers as well, by adding in trees and extremely cheap 2D clouds!

[*] [b]Being an early build, here's some issues I already know about:[/b]
- You can actually start capping the point before the countdown starts, though I don't think it's a big deal.
- The map looks somewhat crappy with full HDR on. I did some tonemap adjustments, and the sky was compiled for HDR, but I'm still kind of new to the concept. The fog doesn't seem to blend with the sky correctly. It looks fine with just bloom though.
- There are some rooms just below the regular spawn which look like spawn points - these were used when it was a 3 point CP map, and just disabled in case I revisit the concept again.
- I'm still using some HL2 textures. I've noticed that people around here really don't like that in a TF2 map, but I'll get around to it!
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