KoTH Moonshine

Box art for KoTH Moonshine For: Team Fortress 2
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King of The Hill - Moonshine is a highly intense "King of the Hill" map set at the base of a beautiful mountain stream waterfall, which feeds into an industrial swamp basin community. Both teams move through this industrial swamp community, looking to control a shadowy bayou shipping house, which is a cover for a top-secret surveillance outpost. This high intensity map provides multiple routes to the central point to guarantee vigorous battles as the point changes hands during game play. Just remember... look out for the gator*.

*gator inflicts no actual damage

If you enjoy this map, please spread the word to other players and server admins. Also let Valve know how bad you want to see this made official. If you are looking for more information about this map, please see the koth_moonshine thread on the steam forums under tf2 maps.

Thanks and enjoy.
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