LB Waraxe Set

Box art for LB Waraxe Set For: Knights of the Old Republic
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The one thing KOTOR games have brought is some swords for us to play with. Nice long single and double-bladed swords. The one thing we usually don’t get to play with is an axe. This mod is going to change that.

My man, ChAiNz.2da has brought us a couple of new axes to play with, and they’re very cool looking if you ask me (check out the pics :D). They also have some nice stats (read the readme to find out). Another great thing is that they’re one handed axe’s, so you can use one in each hand.

To get these two new axes (the Lizbeth and Borden axes), you need to destroy Gurke, the Gamorrean that confronts you on the Dune Sea of Tatooine when he sets you up to rescue that fake stranded woman. Remember, you have to destroy him, not persuade him to do away if you want the axe set.

This mod uses the Baseitems.2da file. For those who have mods in their override that carry this file will need to do some editing to make them compatible. However, this is compatible with the author’s Segan Wyndh Armor mod. I checked it out and it’s best to use this file’s .2da file for compatibility if you plan on using both mods.

[b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.

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