Lester Leetos Pack

Box art for Lester Leetos Pack For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Lester Leetos…personally I’ve never heard of this fellow, but as the readme explains:

[quote] Who is Lester Leetos?
Lester Leetos is the mascot for CyberPunkCafe.com
See: [ http://www.cyberpunkcafe.com/page.php?12 ] for 'Lesters Tech Advice'[/quote]

Looking at that site gave me a few laughs, since its obvious from quotes like this:
[Quote] H4v3 u 833n pr4ct1c1n9 ur 371t3 5p34k?[/quote] and [quote] Take the Red Leeto,
and stay in the matrix![/quote] that its meant to be humorous, and not actually serious tech advice. ;)

Anyway, this fellow certainly has a large skin / model pack dedicated to him! From the pictures I managed to find, the model and its skins in this pack are very realistic and true to the character. As well as the cel -shaded cartoon style skins, there is also a plethora of other skins here, ranging from a dragon type Lester, to a furry fox type Lester and even a snake skin Lester! That’s not all, there is team support for all the skins, which means triple the fun!

I didn’t find a single bug in this model / skin pack, so well done to the author there! Adding to the coolness, there is bot support for these skins and also different custom taunts for various types of Lester, which I thought was a very nice touch.

All in all a fantastic job by the author here, a very cool model complimented by a very large range of different skins for it! So, if you are a fan of Lester Leetos, or the CyberPunkCafe website, then this is one file you will want to download. And even if you have never heard of Lester Leetos (like me) I still recommend a download because this is a great model / skin pack that I am sure lots of people will enjoy.

Download away! :)

New Sounds: Yes
Bot Support: Yes
Team Support: Yes

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