M-1.6 Disruptor Pistol

Box art for M-1.6 Disruptor Pistol For: Knights of the Old Republic
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We got another [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] mod for you to enjoy today. You know, I like it when we get new models submitted to this site as it brings new variety and I love the idea of someone liking it and using it over the BioWare models since I’m not that impressed by them.

E-varmint brings us all a new blaster model to play with and this one is a big one-handed blaster to play with. Perhaps it’s a type that HK-47 would like to carry since he seems like the type that likes big weapons to blow bigger holes into meatbags you wish to remove from the galaxy. ;) Perhaps using dual blasters with this model. :p That’s if you like to use one-handed weapons with our favorite Assassin Droid. ;)

It’s not an item placed object and that means you will have to cheat to get it once you install it into your override folder. Don’t worry, the author did tell you how to use the cheat console to get it if you’re a type who didn’t know that the cheat name you would use is the UTI file name. ;) Enjoy! :D

[b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.

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