Marka Ragnos Secret Tomb

Box art for Marka Ragnos Secret Tomb For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Often, mods come along which reinforce the old tradition of getting feedback before releasing. This is one of them.

This map is very basic, and that's putting it nicely. Other words you could use are bland, unexciting, boring, etc etc. I'm sticking with basic, though.

In a summary, this duel map consists of a big square room, with a glass panel in the floor, a statue of Marka Ragnos, four statues one of which is broken, a door, a window, one of those weird altar things, some torches, and a few pillars.

For a redeeming point, this map isn't just a big empty block. The layout of the pillars and statues makes it seem a lot less bland. All the texturing works well together, even if it is a little monotonous. There is one major point where the map fails, and that is lighting.

It's uniform lighting, and uniform lighting just looks plain ugly unless it's used very well. Proper lighting should [i]always[/i] be used. Although the texuring works, it does misalign in some places, most noticably on the pillars. I'd also comment on the glass texture used for the window, as it looks less than glassy, but very few of Raven's default textures look anything like they should anyway. Various other aesthetic problems are in the map, but you can see those for yourself.

Throughout the map I found one error which wasn't purely aesthetic - underneath the glass panel, is one big missing texture. I admit to not trying to locate the source of this error due to time constraints. One big gripe I have, is the music - [i]Metallica[/i]? In a map which is supposed to resemble a Korriban tomb? I'm sorry, that just clashes horribly, and doesn't fit at all. Come to think of it, I can't possibly think of a poorer music choice.

On the good sides, this map is a decent enough area for a duel, so if you like the looks of it, then you know where the download link is. If not, well, I can't say I blame you.

To the author's credit, they've shown a good understanding of GtkRadiant, now they just need to work on their techniques before releasing another map. Next time, get some feedback and advice before releasing! There are many places to do so - you can ask friends, you can post in the [url=""]JK Series Forums[/url], or you can read various tutorial sites which will likely include a "Do's and Don'ts" list somewhere. Keep at it, you have some mapping potential.

As for this, though... I really find it hard to believe this is the best of your ability.

~ Kouen

[b]New Textures:[/b] No
[b]New Models:[/b] No
[b]Bot Support:[/b] Yes
[b]New Music:[/b] Yes

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