
Box art for meleeSP For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Here we have a simple little min-mod called ''Melee SP.'' The purpose of this mod is to give you melee at the start of every mission in SP. Now, some of you may be asking, ''But Syyrax, you can just use cheats to access melee in SP!" Ah, that may be correct, but why waste time typing in the commands when you can just use this mod? It's a fantastic idea! Don't you all agree? :)

There isn't really much else to say about this mod. It's simple and fantastic. Although, this could just be used for all of you ''lazy'' players out there who don't feel like typing in the commands with the console.

Unfortunately, there are two downsides to this mini-mod. One of them is that the script won't work in the t2_dpred mission. According to the author, he's not very good at Icarus scripting and couldn't figure it out. Maybe somebody could help with that? We'll see I suppose! The other downside was that some of you may have problems with kicking. Although, on a positive note, you can access cheats and use these commands to fix it:

[b]/helpusobi 1[/b]
[b]/g_debugmelee 1[/b]

Overall, this isn't a bad little mod! I could definitely see myself using it if I ever got tired of using cheats to access melee. My only recommendation for the author is to see if you can find a way to use the script on the t2_dpred mission. It's not really something that is extremely important, but some people would probably like to have the script available on all of the missions. Anyways, fantastic job author! I hope to see more work from you in the future. This is definitely worth a download if you don't like to use cheats to access melee in SP!

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