Mission POW Capture

Box art for Mission POW Capture For: Command and Conquer: Generals
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This is a singple player mission for Zero Hour 1.04, made mainly to test a map.ini that enables you to get money from POWs using a POW truck.

You can build a POW truck from your prison. It can be upgraded wtith flashbang grenades upgrade which enables it to use tranquiliser darts to capture enemy infantry as POWs.

It also has a general purpose machine gun. AP bullets upgrade makes it's GPMG do 25% more damage.

The POW truck can also be upgraded with the camo netting upgrade, which enables it to disguise as other vehicles, like a bomb truck.

When you use the darts to shoot enemy rangers, missile defenders, or pathfinders, they will surrender and drop their supplies, which your POW truck or other harvesters can then collect and bring back to the prison as ransom money.

The POW truck has 6 slots for transporting infantry or some vehicles, you can use it to smuggle things into the enemy base when his patriots are powered down.

You win by destroying all US factories.

Tip: once you cross the bridge to the enemy side of the river the enemy attacks become stronger,so you may wish to not cross that bridge until you have built up some defences.

There are some hidden goodies around the map. Try garrisoning buildings to look for them.
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