Modular Combat 2.0.1 Full Version

Box art for Modular Combat 2.0.1 Full Version For: Half-Life 2
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Modular Combat has come a long way in the last two years.

We fought our way past initial criticism because we, as developers, believed in the validity of the game play. Winston and I knew that we had something special here; something that nobody else was doing. Under the Mod Fidelity name, we did something that HL2 developer had ever done: be a part of their own community. We listened to you and made the changes you wanted to see.

Modular Combat 2.0.1 is no different. You told us that the game was too buggy and unbalanced. We listened. Presenting...
Modular Combat 2.0.1: Less bugs, more baddies.

The biggest thing about Modular Combat 2.0.1 is the ability to create new monster types. We’ve included a few of these new monsters as examples. The Charger, for example, is a hunter that never uses the hunter darts. We will be providing a tutorial on how to create your own monsters very, very soon (along with some other important tutorials).

The main focus on 2.0.1 was to take the game we have now and make it better. We also wanted to take some of the key minor features of v1.77 and incorporate it into the game.

Here is a full changelist:

New features

* Refunded all module points to all characters due to underlying database changes
* Server owners can now create new monster types (including custom skins & models)
* Added collection to game play statistics to aid with future game balancing
* Accounts can now hold a maxiumum of 12 suits

Look and feel

* Redesigned module menu UI to include categories
* Added game statistics to the character UI menu
* Combines now have more suits to choose from
* Added affliction material system which allows for a wider variety of visual effects
* Updated modular cVars to a standardized naming system
* Added various new cVars
* New BoSS voice & sound effects

Modules & balance

* Removed all passive resistance modules
* Impact: reduced overall effectiveness by 50%
* Armor Regen: will now always regenerate to maximum armor
* Hunters: now awards greater experience
* Hula dolls have been replaced with a red battery that awards more auxiliary power

Bug fixes

* Monsters will no longer attempt to attack spectators
* Scoreboard timer no longer counts into negative time at the end of a game
* Voting for a non-existent map will no longer result in a random map change
* Players now recieve 50% of awarded shared experience for damage after death
* Fixed a bug that causes players to be launched into the air when squishing a headcrab that is about to pounce
* Made various improvements to teleport blockers

Before you go ahead and download Modular Combat, please read the next part of this post and let us know what you think.
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