Are you tired of seeing the same old cursors that is in C&C3 and feel the need of some refreshment? If so, this modified cursor pack is for you.
I love editing and changing stuff so that it suits my tastes, been doing this for several games in the past and now again for TW.
The changes?
Mainly, the colors of the cursors are based on the C&C3 interface, which is mostly blue.
- Pointing arrow, scrolling arrows, highlight cursor changed from green to blue.
- Power/Repair cursor changes from gold to blue.
- Dollar sign cursor changed from gold to green (suits better with the color of tiberium, which is green..doh)
- Stop sign cursor gained one extra color to give it more filled look.
- Scrin ability cursors have purple colors, speed of animation increased.
- Devourer tiberium suck cursor has the color slightly changed to toxic green.
- Detonator cursor has the orange colors on the sides replaced with blue color.
- Force move cursor changed to purple.
- Force Attack move cursor changed to yellow.
- and more...
Basically, its new colors, animation speed increase, and more blinking.
In my opinion, some of the animated cursors play too slow.If you're a fast player, you will probably notice the cursors even more.
INSTALL: Download attachment below.
Extract the files into your /Tiberium Wars/RetailExe/1.9/data/cursors/ folder