mp 2v2 matto

Box art for mp 2v2 matto For: Far Cry
Size: 16.87 MB
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The much anticipated release has finally arrived! For all of you out there that have said [i]"Matto is awesome! I bet MP would be kick ass!"[/i] ...well, your answer is only a click away! That's right, for the low-low price of a free download, you can experience what it's like to play Matto in a multi-player assault mode!

This map is based on the [url=";43116"]Matto3[/url] singleplayer modification. C4Te says he choose the 2on2 assault gametype because it is the most famous at the moment and you can also play the map with less players. This map will be also included in the matto 4 multiplayer.

Excellent job C4Te!
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