mtk420s ammofire rate mod

Box art for mtk420s ammofire rate mod For: Soldier of Fortune 2
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developer: MTK420


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i have modified the ammo and/ or fire rates of all weapons

socom: ammo is maxed and fire rate is extremely fast

sniper:has full auto, fire rate increased to 2000 times regular and ammo is maxed

knife: mele and throwing range are extremel accurate and will hit as far as you can throw them ammo=1000

auto shottie: rate of fire is extremely fast and ammo is maxed

pump shottie: only mod is that the ammo is maxed

all nades: when u pick it up you get 55 of whatever it is

m4: fire rate is increased

ak74:rate of fire is increased and bayonette has range like the knife

rpg7: ammo is maxed

mm1: ammo is maxed and you may fire quicker than before

uzi: ammo is maxed and accuracy is awesome

m60:same as uzi

this is my newer version of the ammo/weapon mod

i will update all of these mods when i make a new 1

thanx for using me
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