Multiplayer Role Player 2

Box art for Multiplayer Role Player 2 For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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I like new ideas. Scratch that, I love new ideas. This isn't a new idea per-se, but it's one of the first times I've seen it put to use.

First off, before playing, be sure to read the readme. There is some helpful into in there, plus a few hints that should help you get through.

This map is intended to be a cooperative team-based game. Having never role played before, I don't know if it qualifies as an RP map, but it is something new. You're supposed to escape from a prison (with help from a noghri), make your way through the facility to a generator, disable it and leave. Pretty straightforward, and two experienced players could probably finish this in under 10 minutes.

The map itself does need a good bit more work. There are definitely some places where some hinting would be quite useful, and other areas where an areaportal couldn't hurt. Lots of excess triangles being drawn, there. ;) There are quite a few textures that are mismatched *just* enough to be noticeable from a distance, while other areas had somewhat repetitive texturing. Brushwork was a little lacking as well. The stairs were missing clip, so using them was a little bouncy. Also, at one point during testing, when I set foot on one of the staircases, one of the scripts was sent into a runaway loop and the game began to run very choppy. This may have been because I was noclipping around (both times), but it's still a pretty bad bug. Some of the NPCs didn't seem to want to attack me...not sure if that was a bug or intentional. Finally, in the final room, after completing the mission, the void is very clearly visible on all idea what happened there.

So, there's lots to work on - improving brushwork and texturing would be key. I think it's still something new and interesting, though. Maybe you will too - take a look at the screenshots and decide for yourself.

New textures: [b]Yes[/b]
New sounds: [b]No[/b]
New music: [b]Yes[/b]
New models: [b]No[/b]
New scripts: [b]Yes[/b]

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