Description Ns_Nexus was started in sept 2005, and first released October 2006. StixNStonz made the map i always wanted; a full-fledged NS map that actually felt like a ship, with really innovative gameplay, layout, and especially, vent system. This is a full-fledged NS map, and it is very detailed. it will take a while to learn all the routers. Especially the vents. StixNStonz made them as intuitive as i thought possible; they\'re as useful as the Nancy vents but they aren\'t such a cryptic maze. Save harsh criticism until you at least play a few rounds on it. Every map feels like a maze until you get the feel for it.
Ns_Nexus from the very beginning was to be a full-fledged TSA Spaceship. Many maps are set sort of on spaceships, but none have strives to give the complete ambiance, layout, and detailing of the real deal. Enjoy getting lost in its multitude of rooms, and especially in the huge ventilation system behind the access panels (which happens to be rather ninja-friendly). Check out the readme below for more information regarding this map.
[b]NOTE: It is possible that the screenshots are darker then they are in the real game[/b]