new senario

Box art for new senario For: Company of Heroes
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This is dmnangl78\'s first map, \"new senario\" (sic) Like all first time maps it does have a few flaws. First and foremost is the fact that this 2 player map is around the same size as most people have for 8 player maps, and it\'s resourced higher than that. There are approx +150 fuel and a similar amount of munitions on the map.

One could charitably say that is slightly over resourced. While the map is generally reasonably well made apart from a few areas which are completely impassable for tanks (some of the hills are a [i]bit[/i] steep!) it is marred by the fact that it\'s rigged in favour of the top player.

Machine gun bunkers laying around the top half of the map play havoc with infantry. That\'s not a major obstacle however, because with the absurd levels of resources I\'d hit T4 and was building a Sherman in lieu of my 3rd rifleman, and the final support upgrade finished as the Sherman rolled out of the depot. More of a problem was the fact that [b]every possible route[/b] to the top of the map is blocked with tank traps. Well, that and the weapons that were stacked by the top base. I\'m still not sure what a particular pioneer squad picked up (apparently some unholy combination of a minigun and a G43) but it decimated two squads of riflemen without dying and required a strafing run, followed by a bombing run to remove the problem. That also illustrates the amount of resources flowing around, which are truly absurd. I literally couldn\'t spend munitions fast enough.

This map would do quite well if it were converted to an 8 player map, with half the resources, but it\'s a bit broken as a 2 player map at the moment.

- Freyr
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