Nug God

Box art for Nug God For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Yipee! Tomorrow is Christmas, and everybody is gonna get presents from Santa! Oh whoops, I forgot about the review.

Here we have a re-skin of the Kit Fisto model from [url=";51924"]PsykO's Sith's Clone Wars Cartoon Model Pack[/url], and re-edit of the skin from [url=";5979"]Omeewan's Jedi Pack[/url].

The first aspect you'll notice about this skin is the legs and hands. The author decided to use the Shadowtrooper leggings, and other parts of the torso from the original default skin. To be honest, this was a good add-on feature. It gives the skin a rebel Kit Fisto look, if you catch my drift. It kind of reminds me of a street brawl in a movie, when they take their shirts off to reveal their ridiculously large six-packs, and massive muscles. Except the only difference is, they are human, and Kit Fisto is well, an alien. Anyways, the textures aren't to bad. They could be better in my opinion, but that can be fixed in another version.

The other thing you'll notice is the sound files. I'm not sure why everybody thinks it's nice to add Rancor sound files to their skin and/or model. It's scary enough having a rancor chase you around for an hour. Do you really want to scare everybody? >_>

The author also decided to add two different versions of the skin. One of them makes the skin tone black, and the other one makes it white. They both add small and minor texture changes to the actual skin of Kit as well. Personally, I think they add some creativity to the skin. If it was just the default skin, and nothing else, I wouldn't approve of this very much. But, the author surprised me, and I'm glad he did.

[b][u]The Model Names:[/u][/b]

[b]/model nug/dark (Dark version)[/b]

[b]/model nug/spec (White version)[/b]

This skin is kind of a hit and miss. The pro's are that the author put his best into the textures and minor tweaks he applied, and he added color variety. The con's are that I would of chose different sound files, because everybody uses the rancor sound files for their skins and models. I'd hate to be the one to burst your bubbles, but it's [i]way[/i] to repetitive. Maybe in a second version you can find new sound files to use. I'm sure everybody would enjoy that.

Overall, this isn't a bad skin. I would just take in to consideration that my recommendations could be of great help to you, and your skin. Improvements are always good, you know? This is definitely worth a download if you want a change for Kit Fisto.

[b]New Sounds:[/b] Aye (Kind of, Rancor sounds are to repetitive...)
[b]Team Support:[/b] Aye
[b]Bot Support:[/b] Nay
[b]NPC Support:[/b] Nay

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