Operation Daybreak

Box art for Operation Daybreak For: Battlefield 1942
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Now here\'s something interesting ;)

The map is a miniscule filesize, yet it contains the most bizarre and awesome idea I\'ve ever seen in a map. Basically what this map is is a street fight that also goes underground, into the sewers below said street, using ingenious and well-thought-out object placement to create an underground fight that would make BFV\'s tunnel system jealous. The sewer/tunnel system is quite extensive and houses 2 of the 3 capturable control points in the map, so prepare for some awesome underground fighting in the claustrophobic halls. At various points you can look up through grates and even see the street above, and there are little areas the sewer leads to that can give the player great firing positions over the street.

Technically the map is very sound. I have a few gripes to mention, but that\'s because the map is flawless otherwise and it\'s only these little things that stand out. Firstly, there\'s a lot of kits to pick up around the place, but the author has placed them as a static object. This means that they won\'t respawn and if I remember correctly then if you host a game then you won\'t be able to see the kits but your clients will. Changing them to ObjectSpawns rather than statics will fix this (and if you want to stop the respawning, just set the respawn time to 9999). Flags also have only 1-2 spawnpoints, which means that with a little bit of research you\'ll know exactly where your opponents spawn every time and this could lead to some nasty spawncamping. Finally, the Crypt flag didn\'t have any cover around the flag radius, which might make it an absolute pain to attack since you\'re out in the open with nothing to hide behind/in while capping the flag.

Those minor points aside, I have to say that I\'m very impressed by the author\'s hard work (this is a first map :eek: ) and attention to detail. Looking forward to more maps from you in the future!

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