Another fine effort by CSGdesign, here we have a 2 player 5x5km land battle map on a frozen wasteland. Think Hoth crossed with the North Pole , then a few degrees colder! Each player gets 4 close-by mass points and theres 11 further ones to fight over, 4 on each players side of the map + 3 centralized ones. Theres no hydrocarbon so early game power output requires particular attention. The map consists of a circular mountain chain bordering a frozen river, surrounding a central lowland island.
This is definately a map were the case is, you snooze you lose. You'll need to be aggressive and try and gain an early artillary advantage. Visually the map is very good (as you can see, even from the poor max settings on my humble laptop). Tactically the maps abit limited but overall it will be a welcome addition to any players map list. Download and enjoy!