PL Swift

Box art for PL Swift For: Team Fortress 2
Size: 8.06 MB
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Special thanks to Severian and everyone at PoE for your support and feedback.

Swift is a single stage payload map with four checkpoints. The map is set in an Alpine environment as used in Lumberyard. The bz2 file is a meager 8.5 megs and with fast download a every player on a 32pop server can download the map before setup time is done.

Swift has been heavily optimized and has a consistent and high frame rate throughout. Players who are pleased with their settings on stock maps will have a similarly smooth experience. The layout is straightforward for new players, yet there is a learning curve that rewards teamwork and clever play. The many changes from the previous build have all been balance tweaks and making the layout as intuitive as possible.

The few minor bugs have all been fixed. Red players will not get stuck in Blu's one way doors. Red engineers can no longer camp Blu's forward spawn. All intended roofs are properly clipped. All materials are packed into the BSP. Until Valve updates the system, players who wish to see custom Quicklist Server Thumb must install the included "materials" folder into their TF2 directory. Server operators can use the included .res file in the same directory to get clients to DL the thumb.
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