Platform Arena

Box art for Platform Arena For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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This map is a typical first map.

First, I'll critique architecture. It's basic. In fact, it's a big rectangle with a few floating blocks. Not much more to say.

Second, the texturing. Some textures in this map really don't work well at all. The roof and floor textures, for starters - they just weren't meant to tile infinitely. The floor texture has been used again on the platforms, and doesn't work there either. Also, no caulk has been used on the outsides, and while it's not going to have any negative effects in a map like this, it's the principle that counts - every brush face the player(s) won't see, should be caulked.

Third, map compilation. This map has been released after a -meta compile. I say this every time I review a map like this, but only because it's true - before releasing your map, you should do every single compile phase, starting with -meta and working your way up one compile at a time. You should also do lighting, either with entities or shaders.

I will say one thing in this map's favor - it's fun to duel on. However, you will need human players, as there's no bot support. Nor is there any .arena script file, so you have to get to the map through the console using [b]/map platformduel[/b].

Advice for the author? Well, reading through some tutorials will help immensely, and you should do so before trying anything else. Two good sources are [url=""]Map-Center[/url] and [url=""]Rich Diesal's Tutorials[/url]. There's also the JK Series forums where you can get advice and tips from other forum members, so I'd recommend checking it out.

As for the map, well, if you like the looks of it, give it a try.

~ Kouen

[b]Bot Support:[/b] No
[b]New Textures:[/b] No
[b]New Models:[/b] No
[b]New Music:[/b] No

[i](No ARENA script provided.)[/i]
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